Lumholtz Lodge – Tree Kangaroo Rehabilitation Centre (Atherton, North Queensland).

I am always sceptical about so called fauna rehabilitation centres as well as eco and naturalist lodgings (and tours) as usually the wrong the thing is being done somewhere if not everywhere. However, in this case it is a completely opposite situation, where in fact Lumholtz Lodge could be used as an example of doing things the right way, not just for the care and rehabilitation of the two threatened species of tree kangaroo but also for rehabilitation and caring of injured wildlife in general.

Lumholtz Lodge is situated about 20km from Atherton (North Queensland) on 160 acres of privately owned rainforest and is a recognized wildlife/animal hospital and specialist ‘Tree Kangaroo’ rehabilitation centre. The owner Margit got her zoological training in Stuttgart Germany and moved to Australia after graduation in the early 1980’s and has been working with Australian fauna ever since. Margit is not only highly knowledgeable and professional about all sorts of local fauna and flora but is also a very pleasant person and provides amazing hospitality and superb food for her guests.

The lodgings at Lumholtz Lodge are within a spacious modern home surrounded by rainforest and nature calling at your window with more than 100 bird and mammal species naturally occurring around the lodge. There is also a pretty good wildlife library for use during your stay, walking trails, night safari, extended tours etc. This is a must do visit for students of the environment and anyone else interested in seeing rare nature and wants a great educational experience; including individuals, groups, kids and families.

I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending you visit Lumholtz Lodge as Margit is absolutely professional and completely dedicated to her work caring for wild life, and I can assure you all of your lodging fee goes back into her work which costs substantial money to conduct properly. I strongly urge you to visit Margit and support her more than worthy cause.  Lumholtz Lodge is a highly educational experience for families to individuals in five star surroundings for three star prices accompanied with sound knowledge and professionalism not easily found elsewhere.

Phone: (07) 4095 0292; International + 61 7 4095 0292


Rod Rice
Principal Reviewer